Monday, May 18, 2020

Introduction and Manifesto

Hi Everybody!!! 

My name is Zoe Rogers and I am currently in the Youth Development (YDEV) Masters program I have been teaching for the past two and half years and currently teach fifth grade ELA in Roxbury, Mass. at a giant k-8 school. During this time of quarantine I have tried to spend my spare time learning to bake new things, well truly learning to bake at all. My next project is making sour dough english muffins. Looking forward to getting to know and learning with you all!


I am a teacher who stands up for the freedom of youth against the oppressive structures, who is in favor of advocacy against silencing, who is a supporter of flexibility against a complete lack of structure, and who is a defender of equity against injustices. I am a teacher who favors the permanent struggle again whiteness and against the structural oppression it upholds.I am a teacher who rejects the limiting of youth, because it is responsible  for limiting their potential. I am a teacher full of optimism in spite of experiencing the system. I am a teacher who refuses to tone down my “extra”. I am a teacher proud of my youth. If I do no struggle to stand up for them then I will no longer be an educator who genuinely is there for my youth.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to our class, Zoe! I wish I knew how to bake. Sourdough English muffins sound amazing. Maybe we should start a shared google doc for people in class to share recipes!
    I really appreciate in your manifesto how you point to the "struggle against whiteness" and the "structural oppression it upholds." This is crucial work for educators -- we need to recognize how whiteness works in and through structures in ways that limit the opportunities and life chances of young people of color, while benefiting white people at the same time. How can we improve our schools if they are rooted in whiteness and white supremacy? We need to get to the roots. Really important stuff, thank you.
    Dr. Benson
